Pam Jordan, Ph D, LPC, CAADC
Accepting Ages:
Individual Counseling: 18+
Grand Haven Campus
Holland Campus

Kudos to you – in seeking therapy, you are taking the first tough step of an important journey.
Whether your struggle is with depression, anxiety, addiction, trauma, grief, or a combination, the path to wellness can be a difficult one. As you walk this path, a supportive therapist offers empathy, compassion, and the occasional gentle push when you’re stuck. I believe in working with clients to find the right balance of support and challenge to help them get unstuck and moving in a healthy direction.
If spirituality and faith are important in your life, we can incorporate those elements into treatment. And if your religious background has resulted in pain – what is sometimes called “church hurt” – you will be treated with care and nonjudgment. Wherever you come from spiritually, that aspect of your journey will be respected, and will be given as much or as little attention as you need.
My professional background includes several years working in residential substance abuse treatment. I am a licensed professional counselor (LPC) with a specialty in substance abuse counseling (CAADC). My professional training is from GRTS/Cornerstone University (MA) and Western Michigan University (PhD), and I continue to take training to hone my skills.
In addition to individual counseling, I provide substance abuse evaluations for Michigan driver’s license restoration, and I offer supervision to limited license professional counselors.